Nefertum Ishiku

Coeurl. Crystal. EST.

"So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing." ~T.S. Eliot

rules & ooc.

  • No I will not RP: Abuse, Cheating, Sexual Assault, Excessive Violence, or any action that lacks the ability for me to give consent to what happens to my character(s) If any attempts are made at the above themes I will leave the scene I am in with you and block you.

  • Availability: I am available Every Other Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and some Fridays, to schedule in-game RP. While times can vary on these days, my usual online hours are 5 pm EST to 1 am EST. I am very open to Discord RP and I am a regular poster to RP that takes place in that medium.

  • IC is not OOC: I am not looking for OOC relationships beyond platonic friendships. Please no OOC flirting or sexual advances. Things said to me OOC will not be taken IC and vice versa. If I find you blending or bleeding between IC/OOC I will cut ties with you immediately.

  • I am not looking for romantic relationship RP or Erotic RP for this character. If you choose to try and cross this boundary I will cease contact with you, this is non-negotiable.

Star.Time Zone: EST
Datacenter: Crystal
Pronouns: They/Them
Mun is 30+: I prefer my RP partners to be 18+ due to the themes presented in this character, and often I lean toward those who are older. If I find out you are a minor I will cut ties with you.Mun is Dyslexic: Please keep this in mind when RPing with me as it does affect my spelling, sentence structure, and grammar. I do everything I can to minimize this for others, and I will not put up with constant ridicule or negativity about it, if this occurs I will cease contact with you.Discord: Discord is the best way to reach me! My discord name is umbral.calamity. Please be aware I will not add you as a friend unless we have substantial story progress or ongoing RP that requires open communication between us.


  name.   Nefertum Ishiko
  age.   Appears in his late Twenties
  nameday   14th Sun of the 1st Umbra Moon
  gender.   Male
  pronouns.   He/They
  sexuality.   Omnisexual
  marital status.   Single
  height.   Six Fulms
  weight.   170 ponz
  hair color.   Black with White Streaks
  eye color.   Silver
  skin tone.   Dark Ashen Gray
  notable features.  
- Nefertum's Right arm has been completely replaced from the shoulder down.
- He has various tattoos on his body. All of which appear to be circuitry-related.
  job occupation.  
- Sakura Blossoms- Florist
- Flirt!- Greeter
- Little Bee Cafe - Cook
  place of origin.   
Often found Traveling between Ul'dah and Kugane
Flirt!, Honey Bee Venues
Kaseshi Ishiku- Twin Sister

  mbti.   INFJ- The Protagonist
  likes.   Tea, Sake, Mixing or Making Drinks, Tofu, Ramen Noodles, Hamburger, Calligraphy, Sculpting, Painting, Holographic Tarot Readings, Robotics, Practical Jokes, People who are true to who they are, Mischief Makers and Tricksters, Moko Grass, Polyamory, The Far East, Shiny Things, Flirting, Kisses, Magitek, Cyberpunk, Wires and Circuitry, Long Conversations, Confidence, and Ancient History.
  dislikes.   Dogs, Overbearing people, Bullies, Passive Aggressive Assholes, Overly Needy People, Lack of Common Sense, Liars, Cheating, Monogamy, Serious People, Dancing, Sunlight, Enslavement, One-Sided Relationships, Overly Violent People, Daggers and Knives, Promises, Being Bound or Trapped, Regret, Seeking Aid from Others, Random Hookups, Commitment.
  virtues.   Patience, Generosity, Empathy, and Accountability.
  flaws.   Hedonistic, Mischievous, Skeptical, Stubborn, Bitter, Pessimistic, Old Fashioned,

Nefertum is part gentleman, part trouble and his personality reflects this. He tends to be a rather charismatic man, quick to compliment and extend offers of assistance to others. He is well-educated, versed in many cultures, and loves history. The more confident you are the more he seems interested in chatting with you. That is until his dark side emerges and that is when the real fun starts.

BiographyBaby, be a simple kind of manNot everything has to be complicated to be enjoyable, and this is how Nefertum's story begins, a simple man who has spent his years in Kugane thus far doing nothing spectacular or so he says; though it is hard to believe that is lying with the brilliant smile he gives everyone that passes by him.He fondly remembers the days of his youth and the Mother who urged him to explore, to make connections, and to reach for the impossible. She was gone far too early before he reached his twentieth summer of birth and the cherry blossoms had not even fallen from the trees yet when they buried her. There are times when the night is quiet and the moon is full, he remembers the songs she used to sing to him and his twin when they could not sleep.It was no surprise that their Father left a sennight later, leaving behind a letter that encouraged them both to see the Star as it was meant to be seen; through the eyes of adventurers and explorers. Soon his sister crossed the Ruby Sea to search for her claim to fame in Eorzea and Nefertum found himself left behind with only the spirits of the Far East as his friends.For the longest time, he wandered and worked at the Shrines and Temples tending to their Gardens and their Trees. It was a peaceful existence, and he learned much from those who studied in these spaces tales of the Auspices, the Kami, and all those who had lived long before them. Then one day he happened upon Kugane, where he found the Florist his Sister had always told him their family owned from her research. A sign in the window simply said 'Help Wanted' and that is where he has been until you met him this day.

hooks & plots.

New to Eorzea
Life can change in a blink of an eye and this is exactly how Nefertum describes his reason for traveling to Eorzean. He needed change
Divination Services
Nefertum in his travels learned to tell others Fortunes, often using Tarot Cards or Smoke to peer into what the Spinner's Tangled Skein had to offer to those he read for.
Far Eastern Connections
Up until recently, he lived in Kugane not far from the center of the City. He met a great many people and made a great many connections that he stays in touch with.
Information Gatherer
While he does not seem like the criminal sort, one might wonder what he does with all the information that he gathers or in conversations may find themselves curious as to why he asks so many questions. He swears vehemently that he does not sell others secrets but it is hard to tell these days.
The Sakura Blossom
They say it has been in the Ishiku family for hundreds of years now. Started by one of his distant relatives Tsukiko Makaira as a means to make Gil leave the Far East. While he is not the current owner he does work there as a Florist!
Puzzle Box
You will see him with it now and then. It is a small bronze box with black markings and lettering, it looks very Allagan at first glance. He will say he is trying to solve it, he may even ask for your help. Do you dare get involved with whatever it is?